
Monday, November 13, 2017

30 Days of Thanks 2017: Days 12 and 13

After two nights in a row of picking Daniel up and getting home at 11 PM, I totally forgot to post yesterday.  

I spent the day resting and zoning out.  Our family had a great discussion and prayer time together.  It was good to sit and talk at the end of a long week.  

Today, I started to getthat overwhelmed feeling.  Instead of nursing that feeling, I took some time in the middle of the day for a hot bath and my devotion time.  My family ate leftovers, but I ended the day on a positive note.

I'm thankful for being able to take rest when I need it.   I'm thankful for a family that never minds my leftover dinners.  I'm thankful for children who help out around the house.  I give thanks for a daughter who is wise beyond her years and braver than I ever was at her age.  I give thanks for books that you just want to read one more chapter before you put it away.  I give thanks for my husband's understanding.   I give thanks for the comfort that I receive when I set aside time to meditate on  God's Word and to pray.  

I'm thankful....