
Friday, November 3, 2017

30 Days of Thanks 2017: Day 3

I challenged my "30 Days of Thanks" Facebook group to think of 3 things they sometimes take for granted and give thanks today.   

Here goes:

1.  The helpfulness of my children.  Seriously, these kids!  For the most part, each one of our kids does what is asked of them around the house.  They have daily and weekly chores that they do without a bunch of drama or temper tantrums.  If they forget, they pick it up another day and graciously apologize.  Tera especially helped me complete my own list of things that needed to be done today.  I'm truly thankful for being a part of such a great team and I want to make sure to tell them more how much I appreciate their help.

2.  All the conveniences of a nice home--appliances that work, clean water, a bathtub and flushing toilet.  Spacious areas to relax and home school.  A dishwasher, washer and dryer that are functional instead of doing things the old-fashioned way.  I remember many times my mom washing clothes by hand out of necessity. 

3.  My health.  My IC is manageable at this point and besides some dry skin I have nothing to complain about.  I have the stamina and strength to make it through each and every day.  I have the ability to drive, teach my children, keep my household in good running order and be a somewhat nice wife to my husband.

I spend this month being reminded of how many gifts I've been given that I forget to say thanks for to God.  Because I know that no matter what:

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  
James 1:17