
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

30 Days of Thanks 2017: Day 29

To be honest, I haven't had the best day.  You know the ones where nothing really bad happens, but you feel the weight of the world.  You feel friendless and alone.  The ones where you are running from one responsibility to another and realize the headache you are having is because you didn't have time to eat lunch.   Sometimes I feel like why bother?  Does anyone but my mother even read these posts?   You know, one of those days....

It's in those times that I am reminded that giving thanks is not just for the good days.  It's every day in every circumstance.

I can give thanks that I managed to get dinner on the table and we sat down together as a family. 

That my car runs and we made it safe to every place we needed to be today.

I can give thanks for health insurance that pays for medicines I need.  And for modern medicine that can ease somewhat minor things like bug bites and headaches.  For good health. 

That in my loneliest times that I have a God that promises to never leave me nor forsake me.  And in those times that He is using my circumstances to draw me into a deeper relationship with him.  That I will learn to depend upon Him for my security, worth and in essence, EVERYTHING!  That there is nothing withheld from me in this moment that He has not ordained.  That He is in control of every circumstance in my life.  That He is worthy to be trusted!

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18