
Saturday, November 18, 2017

30 Days of Thanks 2017: Day 18

JP and the kids left  yesterday to go on a camping trip at a campground near our home.  The first night went great.   As the winds and rain were forecast to roll in tonight, they discussed it and decided to end their trip early.  I'm thankful they were safe and had a great time unplugged.  I'm thankful that I got some time alone, even if I spent most of it sleeping, shopping and watching Matlock.  

I'm thankful that God put me into this family.  I realized in my time alone that as much as they need me to keep them on track; I need them to do the same for me.  I would be wandering aimlessly without this brood to take care of.  I'm thankful that being together makes us happy!   I'm also thankful that the foil dinner I prepared for them was easily heated in the oven. S'mores in the microwave and chilling out on the couch watching "Finding Dory".   The laundry has been run and every one is in bed early.  

As I listen to the wind howl outside, I'm glad everyone is tucked in safe and sound.  

God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; 
but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.  
Psalm 68:6