We have been trying to add in more art projects for Michael during school hours. But sometimes I run across a little gem that he has done all on his own, like this little bird we found while cleaning off his desk.

Science experiments about space and weather are on our agenda from now until Christmas.
Tera has been exercising her artistic muscles lately, as well, painting this Monet inspired piece as well as LOTS of rocks. Tera has been doing great in her College Algebra class-- an A and B+ on
her first two tests. She's been painting rocks like crazy. Aced her
chemistry test that she was so worried about.
9 years ago today, Daniel accepted Jesus as his savior. We have plans this evening, so I treated Daniel to a big breakfast this morning.
Daniel sporting his new tuxedo for band!
This week was long. It was tiring! It was busy! But we made it! The next three weeks are extremely busy for us, especially Daniel and his chauffeur. He has at least 3 performances, not counting rehearsals and dress rehearsals. I'm planning on keeping our menu plans simple and staying grounded in the Word and prayer!
I visited an ENT for some voice issues I've been having. I have some vocal cord swelling, which is laryngitis, I guess. It's been going on for months and the doctor said it's most likely allergies. Resting to heal the swelling was the prescription. I did ask about my performance in choir and it was good to know that singing in our upcoming concert will not damage my vocal cords. I've decided to bow out before the next concert to try and speed up the healing process. He used the sprained ankle analogy. That I can understand! I didn't realize how much I talk/sing during the day until I tried to do it less!
We are staying on track in school and keeping the house picked up. Now, I just need to makes sure to get more sleep, exercise daily and eat well over the next few weeks!