
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Clean Sweep

Because this time of year can be difficult for me emotionally, I'm taking some proactive steps to keep myself on an even keel.  Daily devotions, time out with JP once a week, consistent school routine, and daily exercise/healthy eating.   I've also gotten the kids on a daily cleaning schedule, as well as have begun to find a routine for cleaning for the rest of the house.  Still tweaking my overall plan.  

Another thing we are doing is a house-wide de-clutter.  Hopefully, we will also get to some long overdue projects.  

Since my original copy got wet this morning, I'm recording it here to keep from losing it!  And I'm also the kinda person that is motivated by crossing things off a list.  I started today and it's nice to see things already ticked off! 

We have several big projects:

1.  Revamping what we call our office, which is really the guest room that houses the only functional closet JP and I have.  (100 years ago, closets were not as popular as they are now.)  

2.  Cleaning out an upstairs junk room 

3.  Paint the inside chimney

4.  Reorganize our bathroom storage space to make it more functional for our family

5.  Clean the basement

6.  Reorganize the shed

My 40 small de-clutter projects: 

1.  Hall bookcase
2.  Hall school supplies
3.  Our school shelf
4.  Living room bookcase
5.  Media cabinet
6.  Hope chest
7.  Dining room school supplies
8.  Walking stick corner
9.  Top of paper cabinet in dining room
10.  Living room bookcase #2
11.  Paper cabinet
12.  Under bathroom sink
13.  Bathroom closet
14.  Bathroom storage cabinet top
15.  Bathroom storage cabinet bottom
16.  Medicine cabinet
17.  Under kitchen sink
18.  Freezers
19.  Fridge
20.  Seasonal items-gloves, hats, coats
21.  Game shelf
22.  Middle area bookcase #1
23.  Middle area bookcase #2
24.  Middle area bookcase #3
25.  Middle area bookcase #4
26.  Bench and book baskets
27.  Dressers
28.  Shoes
29.  Office closet
30.  Office closet- top
31.  Wrapping paper holder
32.  Blanket closet
33.  Plastic bags
34.  Seeds
35.  Hose out trash cans
36.  Kids' clothes
37.  Kids' closets
38.  Cleaning closet
39.  Top of fridge
40.  Desk drawer

UPDATE:  I finished all the kitchen cabinets and drawers!  9/6

My kitchen also just so happens to have 40 cabinets and drawers combined.  So I will be counting down those as well. 

Kitchen drawers 10  9 7 5  4 3 0

Uppers  10  8 6 0

Lowers  12 8 0

Tops   10 8 0

Hopefully, seeing this list marked down on a daily basis will continue to motivate our progress to a house that cleans itself.  A house that works for us versus a house that works us!