Our garbage service just added a recycling route! Woo Hoo! Michael has been appointed the recycling deputy and takes out our recycling on a daily basis. Just a way to give the youngest a bit more responsibility and his own unique "job". For my birthday, Michael put took us on an "imaginary aquarium" tour complete with detailed descriptions and pictures of various sea animals.
We still go to the gym twice a week first thing in the morning. Michael has a little friend there and they have started working on a book together. Michael will be so sad when public school starts back. I suggested he and his friend could be pen pals during the school year and he seemed to enjoy that idea.
Daniel got sick at the later part of last week with the sinus crud that has taken out a different person each week for the past month. Michael is the last man standing. Since the doctor mentioned his blood work showed some "viral indicators" over two weeks ago, his immune system may have fought it off. Or so we are hoping!
Even though he wasn't feeling well, Daniel had a great time painting rocks with Michael and I on Saturday. We will go hide them in the community tomorrow evening sometime. Painting and hiding rocks is big in our community right now as an act of showing kindness to others and having fun as a family. What a great fad!

I will leave you with this picture by Michael. It makes my heart smile.