
Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday Ramblings

1.  Another week is in the books!  I have to say this has been the hardest start we have had to a year so far.  Why?  Probably because I feel like I'm top of everything.  I printed out my version of a "syllabus" for every class Tera and Daniel are taking--Chemistry, American History,  American Literature and Research, and French 2 (plus Algebra 2 for Daniel).  With those expectations clearly presented there is no room for "putting off for tomorrow"  what you should be doing today!  Even with Michael I have a mental list of everything we should do on a daily basis.  That's not easy!  BUT I know it is important for each of the kids to have that constant routine.  One child thrives on knowing their expectations in advance, so they are so happy.  Another child struggles with procrastination and time management.  That child is not as happy, but they WILL BE prepared for college.  Little changes every step at a time.

2.  I just finished reading Uncle Tom's Cabin.  What an amazing book!  You think it's going to be a simplistic abolitionist pamphlet, but you find a multi-faceted study of humankind with a kaleidoscope of views.  Stowe caused me to despise some characters as much as I loved others!   If you have never read it, DO IT...with a box of tissues nearby!   Next up on the American literature reading list...Ben Hur. 

3.  What a blessing that the car only needed an oil change instead of the hundreds of dollars we were expecting.

4.  We've spent a lot of time lately hunting and re-hiding the painted rocks that seem to be popping up all over the country.   Hopefully, we are getting a new batch of rocks this weekend sometime and painting them for hiding.  

I took Michael and a friend out on the trail to look for rocks twice this week and then once more with Tera and Daniel.  What a great trend that promotes family time and a healthy lifestyle.  

 A few of our finds that the kids decided to hold onto for a while before re-hiding. 

5.  I have gained about 5 pounds this summer.  For some reason that always happens to me.  I never gain weight in the winter, probably because I'm so cold and don't eat as much ice cream.  Anyway, I'm improving my eating habits and working out everyday, so I'm not stressing too much.  

6.  JP has been really occupied with work lately--long hours, stressful days, early mornings and to bed before 7 most nights.  It's hard sometimes to find times to talk.  But the last couple of weeks, we've made it a point to go on a weeknight dinner date.  It's usually less than a couple of hours, but a chance to talk uninterrupted.  

7.  Since we started our curbside recycling, we have cut our trash to less than 2 bags a week for a family of 5.  That is an accomplishment for us! 

8.  After spending the morning in the car place, I came home to chores to be done and school to finish with the kids.  I feel so behind and it's on days like this that it is hard to stay focused on your to-do list.  Instead I'm rambling on my blog.

9. My favorite soft serve ice cream:  Sonic and Chic-fil-A.    The best! (Revisit #5)

10.  One of my favorite pieces of music is Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis by Ralph Vaughan Williams.  Let your mind drift away to a peaceful place as you listen. 

11.  Tera and I had a girl's day out last weekend.  Shoe shopping, a movie and snacks with friends and dinner out at a new-to-us sub place.  Not economical for our whole family to visit there often, but Tera and I loved the subs! 

12.  "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail. 
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Week in Review--July 11-18th

Our garbage service just added a recycling route!  Woo Hoo!  Michael has been appointed the recycling deputy and takes out our recycling on a daily basis.  Just a way to give the youngest a bit more responsibility and his own unique "job".   For my birthday, Michael put took us on an "imaginary aquarium" tour complete with detailed descriptions and pictures of various sea animals. 

 School is definitely in full swing.  I will work on a curriculum post in the next week or so.   

We still go to the gym twice a week first thing in the morning.  Michael has a little friend there and they have started working on a book together.  Michael will be so sad when public school starts back.  I suggested he and his friend could be pen pals during the school year and he seemed to enjoy that idea.  

Daniel got sick at the later part of last week with the sinus crud that has taken out a different person each week for the past month.  Michael is the last man standing.  Since the doctor mentioned his blood work showed some "viral indicators" over two weeks ago, his immune system may have fought it off.  Or so we are hoping!

Even though he wasn't feeling well, Daniel had a great time painting rocks with Michael and I on Saturday.  We will go hide them in the community tomorrow evening sometime.   Painting and hiding rocks is big in our community right now as an act of showing kindness to others and having fun as a family.  What a great fad! 

I will leave you with this picture by Michael.   It makes my heart smile. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

First Day of School 2017-2018

First Day of School

What I want to be when I grow up:   


 I've been taking this same picture since Daniel was in kindergarten.

I can't believe how these kids have grown.










Monday, July 10, 2017


Michael's reaction to my gift:  Finding Dory

We celebrated my birthday yesterday, so we could go on an adventure today.  JP and I have always loved quaint little tours of places. Usually the places we pick are not "exciting" according to other people, but you really can have a good time as long as you are together.   For my birthday, I picked to go tour Mayfield Dairy.   Who doesn't love ice cream?

Milking a cow is not easy...

I realized I don't look great in a hairnet!  

Included in your tour admission is a free scoop of ice cream and we upgraded to a double scoop for a buck more.  

As soon as the tour guide announced the Lemon Icebox flavor, I knew what I was getting.   Lemon Icebox Dessert and Peach.  The cones were HUGE!!!

While we were in the area, we swung by a prospective college Tera has been wanting to visit. The admissions office was in a meeting, so we walked around on our own for a bit.  After leaving, we realized it didn't feel like a good fit for Tera.  She agreed!  But we've got plenty of time!  

Lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, tons of Facebook birthday messages, leftover ice cream cake and watching Moana (another present...I love that movie!)  It's been a good day to turn 43!