Father's Day- the way my husband likes it! A low-key day at home chilling out with the people he loves! Homemade Philly cheesesteaks and tons of love and laughter.
Window stars and such...

The tropical system that came through brought with it sinus issues for me. I plowed through the beginnings of it last week, but decided a couple of days at home resting would be best. It wasn't fun to cancel two things that the kids had with friends today, but at least they are not sitting around all disappointed. Good kids...
The kids and I saw Cars 3 last week! Such a great movie with a wonderful message for adults. I enjoyed it for that reason more than any other. You'll have to see it! Despicable Me 3 is also on their list to see this summer, but I doubt it's message will be quite as meaningful as Cars 3.
I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around starting our 2017-2018 school year in two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!!! This is the longest summer we've taken in a few years, and I still don't feel ready. One thing I've learned over the years---you never FEEL ready. You just pick the date and go for it! It's going to be a year of exciting new things for all of us! We will have an 11th grader, 10th grader and 3rd grader this year! I have all my curriculum picked out and I'm in the process of tweaking how it will all work for us.
JP injured his shoulder and will be starting some physical therapy to help him recover from whatever happened. Fencing and kayaking will have to wait until he has fully recovered.
We are plugging along the next two weeks and excited for new beginnings!