
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Big Plans

Recently someone in passing asked me THE question:

"Got any BIG plans for the summer?"  

In my mind, this is the answer I think they expect: 

"Oh yes, we are going to Disney World for a week.  Lay around our pool (Side note: We don't have a pool.)  during the day while all the kids go to different summer camps every week for the rest of the summer.  Then, we'll finish up with a cruise to some place exotic."  

I answered:


I might have imagined a look of shock and surprise because I said this in front of my children. But they knew already.

In my heart, I walked away feeling a little less for not having big grandiose plans for the summer.  Not really my idea of big plans, but THEIR idea of big plans.  Because in fact we do have BIG plans for the summer that would sound boring and simple to the world at large.  

Our big plans:

One child is practicing their music more and learning a new instrument (or two!). 

One is studying intensely for the ACT and to get their driver's permit before the summer is over.  This child is also training like crazy in their sport, so they can compete for the first time in the fall.

One child is making stop motion Lego movies, building things, drawing spectacular pictures, taking swim lessons and making new friends in childcare at the gym.  

I'm trying to get a good start on reading through the 15+ books for American literature, reviewing chemistry, and figuring out what I'm doing for American history.

We're saving money.

The older kids are trying out new classes at the gym, because we can't always do that during the school year.   

Kayaking, catching a couple of movies and just hanging out are also on the list. 

You see my list is not what others expect, so it's best just to say..."Nope...nothing..."  and know in your heart that only YOU determine what BIG plans mean to you!