
Friday, February 10, 2017


 Winter is the time for slowing down.  Not taking on new things.  Just being with yourself and the people you like the most.  For baking treats and hanging out.  For reading lots of books and snuggling under cozy blankets in front of a warm fire. 

Quiet winter afternoons...

I've been reading a lot lately and getting back into the habit of my daily devotion time.  Winter is a time of quiet that lends itself to reflection and meditation. It has gotten easier as my kids have gotten older to find those moments just to curl up under a blanket, read my Bible and write my Scriptures.  Usually someone has something they need to say to me, but it's okay---I'm used to that! 

Michael and I took time last week to have a special science day.  We read books, watched a video and did some "real" science experiments.  He thanked me multiple times for "science day".  Winter is the best time for special days. 

 High school can be fun, too! 

One birthday left for this month, but he's getting a head start with his Food City Birthday Club--Just for Me cake.