
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Valentine's Day

Tera, Daniel and Michael's valentines

I had told JP not to do anything for me for Valentine's Day this year; I would do something nice for him instead.
I cleaned and de-cluttered our bedroom the Sunday before Valentine's Day.  On Valentine's day I had Tera help me set up and decorate.  Then, food prep--hors d'oeurve, pork loin with carrots/potatoes/onions, salad, garlic bread and turtle cheesecake. 
Sometimes, I think as women we secretly wish that our husband's would be more "romantic".  But I gained a new perspective on the whole thing.  It took me a lot of time to set up this romantic experience.  The time we spent together away from the kids (They were watching a movie downstairs) was so relaxing and frankly, quite awesome!  BUT it was tiring and I was falling into bed that night!  I cannot expect my husband to pull off something like this after working a 10 hour day and not getting home until after 5 PM. 

So, I had told JP not to do anything for me for Valentine's Day.  If I was really honest, I was kinda regretting I said that after working so hard on his surprise.  He knows me so well and came home with  flowers/chocolate/card. He told me later what he told a work buddy in the store. 
"My wife told me not to get her anything, but after 23 years of marriage I'd rather get in trouble for doing for something than get in trouble for doing nothing."

My beautiful flowers...

He enjoyed our romantic evening and I have been enjoying my beautiful flowers.  He is and will always be my one true Valentine!