I feel like I am back to normal this week. Things definitely weren't perfect, but I FEEL better now that we are back into our routine. School is plugging along. Our meals are becoming more normal and less like holiday eating. We took down Christmas decorations and our two trees today. I'm checking off a few things that have been on my to-do list for way too long.
Ecology projects for biology--

I admit that sometimes I worry about doing enough with the kids...Michael especially. I don't know why I worry---he's a strong reader and has already finished 2nd grade math. But I worry! This week, I just relaxed and went with the flow. He did math on the computer with Timez Attack and we read A LOT! He did some book work everyday, but spent a lot of time building and making things.
We are in the middle of Detectives in Togas and read the entire Cottonmouth series this week. I highly recommend these three picture books! We were both on the edge of our seats. They are THOSE books--the ones that you enjoy reading aloud!
On Monday, a FB status memory popped up and reminded me that it was Michael's spiritual birthday. That three years ago, this little boy asked Jesus to come into his heart! We celebrated with iced brownies--the boxed kind. Then, we went on a search and pinpointed each of the kids' spiritual birthdays to start a new celebratory tradition!
JP has been working over to cover for another supervisor. Last night, I had to take Tera to fencing before dropping Daniel off at his flute teacher's house. He played in a flute choir last night at the Smoky Mountain Flute Invitational. He had a blast! We were able to live stream his performance and several of our friends/family did the same. I love technology! Today, he headed out early for another full day of master classes, recitals and all things flute. Michael seems restless without Daniel here. But getting to play Angry Birds on the tablet has helped.
I've got some more school work to get done before I can call it a day and relax a bit. I have more thoughts to pen, but that will have to wait for another day.
JP has been working over to cover for another supervisor. Last night, I had to take Tera to fencing before dropping Daniel off at his flute teacher's house. He played in a flute choir last night at the Smoky Mountain Flute Invitational. He had a blast! We were able to live stream his performance and several of our friends/family did the same. I love technology! Today, he headed out early for another full day of master classes, recitals and all things flute. Michael seems restless without Daniel here. But getting to play Angry Birds on the tablet has helped.
I've got some more school work to get done before I can call it a day and relax a bit. I have more thoughts to pen, but that will have to wait for another day.