
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hump Day Randomness

It's been a long week so far.
JP is working 12 hour shifts and that always throws us off.  We've had late nights, dr. appointments, hard high school work loads, headaches and grey days. I haven't been sleeping well and it's starting to take a toll on my emotions. 
On the positive side, Michael had a muscle sprain in his back that we had checked out.  Everything on the x-rays looked great.  Daniel was out really late for a rehearsal because his texts didn't come through telling us to pick him up.  But he was fine and not hurt, injured or maimed.  (You know how moms think!)  The kids, especially Michael, have risen to the school challenge today after two really frustrating days. 
We are saving up for tires for JP's car this week.  So we have been eating what we have on hand with a few groceries added in to complete my recipes.  I scored a bunch of ground turkey on sale last week, which helped out a lot in coming up with meal ideas.  I was in the mood to cook tonight.  We had sloppy joes, mashed potatoes, pumpkin fritters, green beans and broccoli.  The pumpkin fritters were delicious! 
Aren't these colors so vibrant? 
I read this quote today: 
I like it!
We were able to open the windows and air out the house a bit today.  That is nice in the middle of January.  We've had the mildest January I can ever remember while living here. 
Michael is moving up to the beginner karate class tomorrow.  Let's hope he is up for the longer class times and heavy-duty sweat-machine of a uniform. 
ACT prep is not for sissies!
Have you ever had weeks where you feel like you have said all the wrong things to EVERYONE?  Yeah, me too!
My daughter has a boyfriend now.  A really, nice young man and I could rhapsodize about the whole thing, but there comes a time in your teenager's life when it's THEIR story to tell and not yours. 
It's music to my mother's soul when I hear my children talking about what they are reading in the Bible, what devotionals they want to order and the words: "Mommy, let's snuggle." 
No matter how I feel about a day or week, life is still good and I am so blessed with God's grace and mercy.