
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back to it!

It feels like Monday, even though I know it's Tuesday. 
Today was our first day back in the routine.  After taking off a month for the holidays, we are slowly getting back into the groove.  The older kids had some literature, biology and computer projects to work on.  Our Rosetta Stone program stopped working, so I need to call tech support tomorrow.  Ugh!  I'm trying to get the next month or so planned and my grades reported.  There are disadvantages to taking a lot of time off. 
Tuesday is one of our gym days and it was a wonderful way to get the day started.  My ankle was bothering me for the first time in a long time.  I blame it on the weather change that's coming.  I spent the time at the gym in the pool.  My happy relaxed place! 
I've been cooking like crazy the last couple of days. 
Some oldies but goody recipes:
My family LOVES all these recipes!  I need some dump-it-in-the-crockpot recipes for the next couple of days.  I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow and will probably have to fight the crowds of people getting their milk and bread at the hint of snow in the forecast. 
I'm trying to keep up on cleaning by doing a little list everyday and one de-clutter/deep clean project.  We will see how long I can keep the momentum going on that one.
Karate started back tonight and Michael is working on a Star Wars paper airplane as we speak. 
It's been a good day!