2016...a look back:
I started the year in an ankle boot, Here I Sit. I swam in the deep end of the pool for the first time. Michael made dinner for the first time for the family and we had snow.
February was a crazy month. JP and Michael had birthdays. Tera and Daniel qualified for state as individuals in chess. After the state competition, we ended the month with a weekend long tournament at the new Dollywood Dreammore Resort.
Regional chess team qualifier--2nd place. Headed to state, where the team placed 5th in the state. Green belt for Michael. 22 years for JP and I. History Share, music rehearsals, school and lots of chess with a short spring break stirred in.

Getting to know new friends. Fun date nights. Performances. Prom! Poetry.

Mother's Day with crepes and a visit to my happy place. Titanic fieldtrip with friends. Daniel performed at graduation and at a festival with his flute ensemble. School ended. VBS.
Blue belt and Bible studies. New blue kayaks and summer reading.

I turned 42! We picked blueberries and started another session of Bible studies. First day of school.
Lots of school days with tons of fun hands-on biology and literature assignments. Daniel's birthday-14.

STAYCATION!!!! Michael and I found our groove and read lots of books together. Joined the gym.
Tera's birthday--16! Edible DNA, ACT and mitosis. Finding my way back. Michael got his purple belt. Halloween fun.
30 Days of Thanks Challenge. Visit home to Alabama. Bought a fire pit. Friendsgiving 2016.

Christmas Party. Daniel's flute concert. Sickness! Christmas 2016. Michael got his brown belt and is transitioning to the beginner class. Christmas Bible study for Michael and his friend, Sam.

2016...a look back with anticipation of the new memories to be made in 2017!