My favorite moments on Christmas morning. Candlelit rooms...

Our kids are always so thoughtful in their gifts to us!
One of my new sets of Little Rascals salt and pepper shakers.
and goofiness...
My mermaid blanket...
Tea enthusiast and his first box of loose leaf tea.
New's hard to take a selfie and not look serious. I'm concentrating really hard.
Michael finally got a sled! Daniel got a saucer one, he's "always wanted"!
This year Santa brought Tera a laughing Snoopy stuffed animal...I love that thing!
Bo staffs and Nerf guns...
Daniel has started learning Tai Chi and some Kung Fu techniques. Canes and bo staffs were on his Christmas list this year. He said all his Tai Chi buddies would be envious. We laughed really hard at that, since the other members of his class are all at least 40-50 years older than Daniel.
Michael got a new-to-him kindle e-reader (my kindle he borrows all the time) with a new case. He was over the moon with excitement!
Tera opened her last gift and thought it was a joke. She has been using a flip pay-as-you-go phone for a while. Since she has become a regular texter, it was getting way out of hand price-wise. JP upgraded his phone and Tera got her first smart phone with unlimited texting. She was out of the universe with excitement. We debated a lot about this decision, but felt it was the right decision.
Snuggled up reading on his "new" kindle! Watching him walking around with it tucked under his arm and staring down at it was the cutest sight ever.

Tera says this every year, "This was the best Christmas ever!" and she's always right! We are together making memories!