Today I am thankful for this little guy that lets me go through the stages of childhood for a second time around. Dressing up, birthday parties and read-alouds. Lost teeth and snuggles.

I give thanks for grace from others. I posted on facebook earlier today: "I'm an early bird usually. I arrive before the time I'm supposed to be there. As I was going my merry little way this morning taking Daniel to flute, I get a phone call as we are pulling into his teacher's driveway. Then, it dawned on me....we were almost 20 minutes late. I even had it scheduled in my phone, but I got the times mixed up in my head. Thankful for Mrs. Veal's grace today! And because I just decided to wait in the car, I got to listen to a beautiful duet of "For unto us a Child is born" on flute and read a great book. All was not lost!"
I'm thankful for negative strep tests. Tera's had a sore throat and we went to the clinic just to make sure and the test came back negative! WooHoo! Milkshakes and movies all around this afternoon.
Although it seems like things feel overwhelming this week, I can still refocus my thoughts and prayers onto thanks on a daily basis! I'm very thankful for all the friends that are joining me in giving thanks and for the encouragement we can give each other.
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17