
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

30 Days of Thanks: Day 15

I'm thankful that God changes hearts.  He takes people that others have written off as too bad to change and does a work in their lives that leaves other people amazed.  He works in my life in ways that leave me amazed.  I see hang-ups I used to have and realize that God has changed me for the better.  Have I reached the "me" that He knows I can be?  No way!  But I keep striving and moving in that direction and He keeps moving in me. 

I'm thankful for second chances and grace!

I'm thankful for safety for my family today.

I'm thankful that even in a situation that didn't turn out the way we hoped that God is still working out His good and perfect will behind the scenes.   He can use that situation to refine us.

I'm thankful that I have a car to drive and access to healthy food for my family.  I can cook from scratch, when I couldn't follow the directions on a box 20 years ago. 

I'm thankful for lovely people and good conversations!

I'm thankful for hot baths and that my husband has been warming up my side of the bed.