
Sunday, November 13, 2016

30 Days of Thanks 2016: Days 12 and 13

On Friday we headed to Alabama to visit family and see my brother's new home.   We went and visited Mom and Fred first.  She fed us a delicious lunch like my momma always does.  It's always nice to sit a spell and visit.
After lunch, we headed up to John and Christy's house.  He showed us such wonderful hospitality and cooked for us.  We sat around the fire pit and talked---just he and I.  It had been way too long.  I was distracted as he was talking because I was thinking just how much he looks like our dad. 
On Saturday, we woke up to a full Southern breakfast and then went to visit my grandmother and aunt.  When we got back, he had dinner ready and we roasted marshmallows with the kids for s'mores.  We all sat, laughed and talked around the fire.  It's in those moments you really make special memories! 

The cousins played, argued and played some more.  Because you know, that's what cousins do. 
So, I'm thankful for lots of things over the last two days.  Thankful for my family, for a new-to-us SUV that had more room, ran great and got pretty good gas mileage; for hearing a couple of stories from my grandmother; for times of just sitting and talking, for the non-rushed "sit a spell" kinda weekend; for safe travels; for belly laughs;  for the opportunity to get some family pictures; for penny prints so I can make an album of all those photos; and so much more. 

I regret that Mom and Fred did not make our family photo time, no excuses! 

My favorite picture of the day!