
Monday, November 7, 2016

30 Days of Thanks 2016: Day 7

I've been thinking today how much music impacts our lives.  I'm so thankful for the gift of music that God has given us.  There are songs that take us back to our childhood, make us think of our significant other, or just speaks to our heart about something. 
Music is a powerful way for us to give our praise back to God for being with us, for loving us, for sending His Son to die for us.  It speaks to our soul. 
A song that reminds me that God's redemption is waiting for the prodigal to come home...

A song that reminds me that our God is a "prison-shakin' Savior"!

A song that reminds me that "I'm a little punk sometimes", but God never leaves me alone.

A song that reminds me of JP and I...

I could go on and connects us and for that I'm thankful.