
Sunday, November 6, 2016

30 Days of Thanks 2016: Day 6

It's been a good day.
In our home church service today, we read several Scriptures on thanksgiving and talked about what that looks like in our daily lives.  We did the ABCs of thanks by seeing if we could find things to be thankful about for every letter of the alphabet in 5 minutes.  Tera won!  We discussed being thankful in ALL circumstances and finding ways to give God praise in the midst of hard times that we face.  We finished in prayer. 
I'm thankful that we have the freedom to meet together as Christians wherever we choose.  We can read our Bibles and pray openly. 
I'm thankful for times spent together as a family relaxing while swimming at the gym.
I'm thankful that God has sent us great friends.  One of our friends has been working on JP's car free of charge just because he wanted to do something nice for our family.  We went over and spent the afternoon with them as the "menfolk" finished up.  He was just going to do one job and then went over and beyond that doing other things for JP.  It was such a blessing to us and that's why he does it.  To be a blessing to people. 
It reminds me of God's goodness and how HE does things for us, just to bless us.  Not because we deserve it.  Not to pay us back for the good we've done for HIM.  But because of HIS love for us.  That love that sent HIS Son to die for us, so that we can be saved.  For that, I am truly thankful. 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 
John 3:16