
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

30 Days of Thanks 2016: Day 23

I give thanks for low-key holidays with an easy menu that can be made up that morning.  And that everyone here likes it that way.

I'm thankful that we got a bit of rain today.

I give thanks for the 20 minute walk I got in while Daniel was at flute lesson.

I'm thankful Michael was feeling better this afternoon.  Every time the weather changes, he seems to not feel well. 

I give thanks for chocolate.  Even though I will have to buy more for stockings, the York peppermint patties are really yummy!

I'm thankful for the $6 I spent on sauce and ready made pizza crusts at Dollar Tree that made for an easy dinner tonight.

I give thanks for medicine when the weather doesn't agree with my head.

I'm thankful for this crazy life that is mine.  Oh, how I love it!

Thank you, Lord for your goodness to me...all the time!