Today, I give thanks that God gave us this big, old farmhouse with lots of places to have friends over.
We had some of our wonderful friends over today for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. I am thankful for their friendship. I have the privilege of hanging with some of the sweetest people you will ever meet. They brought yummy food and drinks and even stayed to help clean up. I give thanks for you guys-Tammy, Tina and Akemi! I give thanks for your kids, too!

Today, I didn't get to spend time with some of my other closest friends, but they were definitely in my thoughts today.
I give thanks for my friend, Sarah and memories of our first "Friendsgiving". (I didn't even realize this was a thing and we were doing it long before people were hashtagging it.) I missed you today, my friend!
I give thanks for my friend, Lynn and her sweet, helping nature. Our long conversations and the friendships our kids have together.
I give thanks for my friend, Tanya and our times spent encouraging other to draw closer to God.
There are other people that the Lord has placed in my path that I call friend, but to name them all would take me way too long. Those friends that can pick up right where we left off after years of not seeing each other; those friends that are always there when you need them; the ones that knew you when you had the bad hair and the big glasses; the ones that love you no matter what!
I'm thankful that I married my best friend in the world and pray my children do the same.
I'm thankful that Jesus is the Friend that sticks closer to me than any other!
Thank you, Lord for friendship!