
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

30 Days of Thanks 2016: Day 1

Eclectic Momma

As I kick off another year of "30 Days of Thanks", I've got lots of things going through my mind today.
I'm coming out of a season of discontent.  A season where I thought the service I do for my family, friends and neighbors wasn't as important as doing "bigger" things for the world at large.  I neglected things--people, and I have realized where my true contentment and happiness is found.  After re-evaluating and re-focusing, I am reminded that the service we do for those closest to us can make a bigger difference in the kingdom of God than we could ever imagine.
On this Tuesday that feels so much like a Monday, I am thankful for being able to serve my family.  For the clean laundry that needed putting away, the dishes that needed to be done, the messes in played-in rooms and the leaves on the floor.  For the math homework to check, the stories that needed to be read.  For the kind words of encouragement I can offer a friend and the kindness I receive in return.  For being here in this place with these people.   For the simple things in life and the ONE that gives me this opportunity.  The ONE that has given me THIS life! 
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17