
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Finding my way

After quite a bit of discussion with my husband and Bible study, I realized I've lost my way a bit.  I've let my own lack of boundaries within several outside obligations interfere with our family life.  I've been so consumed with doing a good job...a great job for other people that I have been neglecting the ones that I love the most.  Neglecting our home, good eating/rest habits,  my devotions and my inner happy places.  (Those inner places of peace and calm need our attention!)

So, I put up boundaries this week.  My husband is happier.  The kids and I have had great conversations where I wasn't distracted or multi-tasking.  The house is clean (well, clean for us...).  Personal emails were sent and I talked to my mom for over an hour.  I feel that sense of calm and direction, again.  I've been able to keep up with my B90 Scripture readings. 

In my Bible reading, the Lord has reminded me of things, impressed things on my heart and revealed things about who I am and who He is.  

My friend and I are doing a Bible study for women called She's Got Issues: Seriously Good News for Stressed-Out, Secretly Scared Control Freaks Like Us.  I'm being reminded that God wants us to surrender EVERYTHING to Him.  That control is an illusion and there are very few things in this life that we can actually "control".  Nicole reminds us that we can control these things:  "my posture toward God's Kingdom in my life; the space I make for God; the way I treat God's Word; my attitude toward others."  Not a long list, but an important one. 

"For every situation, big or small, Jesus Christ is in control." 
Nicole Unice 

"Whatever God allows to happen, we can give ourselves over to His goodness."
Nancy Guthrie

As I keep moving forward on this journey, I need to remember that surrender is a daily thing.  Getting into God's presence for strength and growth is a daily thing.  Making good choices on how I spend my time is a daily thing. And even if I mess it up today, tomorrow is a new day!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23