
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Feast or famine blogging

It's feast or famine when it comes to my blogging.
This has been one of those busy weeks that I'm just trying to make it through.  An extra karate lesson, Daniel not feeling well,  his flute ensemble rehearsal, a oral surgeon consult and a late night swim.  Those are the extra things I can think of right now. Combine school with trying to eat healthier and participating in a hydration challenge and several late nights and you have one tired momma today.
I went to the gym on Tuesday for a meeting with one of the trainers to go through a workout she designed specifically for me.  I was sore after that meeting and we didn't even do the complete workout.   Today, I did it on my own.   I feel like I've been to the gym.  Chest extensions are horrible, just putting that out there.  I'm hoping that the couple of minutes in the hot tub after my workout will definitely make a difference and I will be able to move my limbs tomorrow.  Seriously, I do not feel too bad, right now.  It might be because only my fingers are moving.
Joining the wellness center was one of the best decisions our family has ever made together.  We have the privilege of getting healthier--together. 
One of my children has shown great strides in maturity this week--checking their bag to make sure they had their things before leaving a place, doing schoolwork in advance, and laying out their swimsuit after a swim.  Woo Hoo!
Saturday morning, I will be trying to occupy myself while Tera takes the ACT for the first time. The school has no internet access, so I need to plan ahead on what to bring to get some school work done.   She finished her last practice test before the actual ACT today with very good results.  What a great confidence booster. 
Michael is going to dress up as Luke Skywalker and we picked up his costume today.  He still needs a BLUE lightsaber instead of his green one.  Because Luke has a blue one....go figure.
Daniel is enjoying Tai Chi classes so much.  I've had several ladies come up to me to tell me how well he is doing and how fast he is learning the forms.  It makes him smile when I pass on the compliments. 
Soon, we head out for our third karate lesson on the week (making up is hard to do) and hopefully an early evening home. 
That is all for now...