
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A day in the life...

Yes, I heard and felt the 2.9 earthquake that happened in our area last night.

Today, we've been to the gym for our work-out.

A trip to  Walmart for dog treats, a blue light saber (because apparently Luke Skywalker had a blue one at one point instead of the green one we already own.  I did not fail to point out Luke's picture on the green light saber box.), pink and gray felt for another costume, a impulse purchase of a discounted pecan pie to put in the freezer for Thanksgiving.  

Home to finish school, dishes, laundry, sweeping, and cleaning the bathroom.  Cleaned my room before the a/c guy arrived.  (See below)

Listened to Mazey bark the entire time the technician was here for our semi-annual HVAC check. 

Dinner made--stuffed pepper soup and off to karate.  

Picked up a brown  "London Fog" style raincoat from the dry cleaners for another costume.  (A $9.99 steal from the thrift store the day before--brand-new with tag)

Somehow managed to read my B90 Bible selection in the noisy karate waiting room.

Dollar Tree stop for AAA batteries for the above blue light saber and salty snacks for me.  Apparently, I was craving something salty since I walked out with a can of Lay's and two bags of those veggie chips.

A quick catch-up on our day with JP and overhearing Andy Griffith episodes in the back ground.  Anyone under 18 will be going upstairs some and I will settle down with my salty snacks and  watch either Matlock or Timeless; a hot bath, a good book and bed.