
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Scripture Reading Challenge

Did you know...

If you read your Bible one hour a day, you could read the Bible in around 60 days from beginning to end?  

Did you know...

If you read your Bible thirty minutes a day, you could read the Bible through 4 times a year?

I've been thinking about doing a Read the Bible in 90 Days challenge for a while now.  Even to the point, I printed out some plans that have gotten quite worn in my Bible.  I mentioned it to my family today and by the end of the conversation, we all had decided to do a Bible reading challenge.  

I am doing the B90 reading plan, while JP is reading through the Bible one book at a time over the next couple of months.  Daniel printed out a read through the New Testament in 60 Days plan.  Tera and Michael decided to go a different route and read certain books of the Bible.  Tera will read through all the Psalms, Proverbs and the Letters of the New Testament.  Michael is tackling a chapter a day in Luke and Acts.  

We are planning on using this time to really focus on the Scripture and encourage one another.  

If you would like to join us, please comment below!