
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Calling it a week...

Last week, we had a rough school week.  Poor time management for one of our children proved to be a frustrating experience for us both.  However, this week we came in with a plan.  I helped this child map out their week into light and heavy days.  Lighter days when we have activities and heavier days when we are at home. 
This has been an interesting school year so far.  In some respects, we are pulling back on extra-curricular activities because they kids have quite a full course load.  They are still pursuing their interests,  just not always in the ways we have done in the past.  The Bible reminds us that for "everything there is a season..." 
Even with the plan in place for the week, things have been quite hectic.  I've been tired, out of sorts, dealing with quite a lot.  After a late night three-hour meeting last night, we are all spent.  JP was at a sleep study last night and I had a hard time getting to sleep.  We finished up our schoolwork for the week this morning and are calling it a week!
We are celebrating Tera's birthday on Saturday----16-----AAAHHHHH!!!!!  I cannot believe my baby will be 16. 
Puzzles.  We've been working on puzzles.  Basically, just leaving a table set-up in the dining room to work on them. 
Drawings by Michael

A new Adventures in Odyssey album, finishing good books, only missing one day so far on my 90 day Scripture reading plan, and tabbouleh were just a few of the highlights of my week. 
And I'm calling it a week....