
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Week 2: Alabama, Biology and a lot less Craziness!

Week 2 of the 2016-2017 school year is complete!  (Well, if you don't count those biology labs we need to finish on Monday)

The second week of school went so much better than the first.  I'm finding that my assessment of limiting our morning activities was spot on.  It's taking us much of the morning and into the afternoon to complete our schoolwork.  I think as the kids and I get more into the groove things will only get easier.  We redefined some expectations after a writing assignment had to be redone last weekend.  This week's assignments were right on point.  

Tera's project on symbiosis

It amazes me how much Michael learns just because he is the youngest with teenager siblings.  

In addition to his own school work...

He played his parts in several skits about the Knights of the Round Table....

learned about size relationships in biology....

 I love how my children have been turning all the unclothed men in our coloring sheets into various characters.  We've had super heroes, Gandalf and hippies. 

We've been reading all about people from Alabama--Rosa Parks, Booker T. Washington, Jesse Owens, and George Washington Carver.  Because our lives have been quite busy lately, Michael's food from Alabama consisted of peanuts in a coke (he shared that with his brother) a moon pie and his first taste of bologna (which can only be served fried).    He loved all of it!  


At the end of this week, things are looking up....