
Saturday, July 16, 2016

First week of school---

Whew, that was a whirlwind week!

We started back to school on Monday.  I have some thoughts about the whole week:

  • I "lectured" on two different biology lessons this week.  It was fun having two students taking notes while I lectured.  I loved biology in high school and hope to be able to communicate the subject in a way that my kids enjoy it as well. 

  • Michael and I need to find our groove.  I felt like his week wasn't as fun because I spent a lot of time making sure my 10th and 9th grader were getting accustomed to the new year and different expectations.  It's okay, but just not what I would like.  It's only the first week, so I'm cutting myself some slack.

  • We definitely have to limit our outside activities during the morning this year.  We NEED to be at home consistently in the mornings for this amount of workload.  The kids have several subjects that cannot be done on the road like in years past.  We went to the annual meeting for our church denomination and the kids had a hard time getting their work done.  Some days you just can't help it, but I'm going to guard our morning time as much as possible. 

  • Having a specific plan is good.  I have that in place this year and it feels good.  I am able to stay on top of what each kid is doing and how they are doing on a daily basis.  It helps immensely that Tera and Daniel are sharing 4 core classes this year as well. 

  • I'm trying to be more of one of those "learn alongside my kids this year", instead of just facilitating their learning.  It's going to be hard! 

First day of school ice cream that actually happened on Thursday, we splurged on Froyoz. 

On Fridays, we will have a French cultural activity.  This week, we (myself included--top right) drew the Eiffel Tower.  Instead of following the tutorial, Daniel printed out a picture and drew freehand. 

How to Draw the Eiffel Tower: