
Saturday, July 2, 2016

2016-2017 Curriculum Choices (10th, 9th and 2nd grades)

One week until school starts!  AAAHHH!  

Seriously, we are ready for school to be back in session.  I've picked out all our curriculum for the year and have a good grasp of what we will be doing.  Things always have a way of changing, but for now--this is the plan. 

Since Tera and Daniel are only one year apart in school, we have decided to combine FOUR of their core classes this year.  Easier for me and hopefully easier for them!   

At the beginning of the school year, I print out a different Bible reading program for the older kids to work through, while I read selected passages to Michael.  Personally, we do not count it as a school credit.   

This year's plan:  90 Day Overview of the Bible

Tera (10th grade year)


Rosetta Stone
Cultural Fridays where we do a mix of eating, studying artists and architecture and French culture.  (Hopefully, sometimes with friends also studying French)

English 10
Spelling Power
Daily Grams and other grammar resources

GCF Learn for Free has computer lessons that we will work through to make sure the kids are proficient in using Microsoft Office as well as other computer skills. 

CK 12 Geometry and Trigonometry for 1/2 credit each.

Daniel (9th grade year)


Rosetta Stone
Cultural Fridays where we do a mix of eating, studying artists and architecture and French culture.
(Hopefully, sometimes with friends also studying French)

English 9
Spelling Power
Daily Grams and other grammar resources

GCF Learn for Free has computer lessons that we will work through to make sure the kids are proficient in using Microsoft Office as well as other computer skills. 

Algebra 1
Saxon Algebra 1

Daniel will be recording hours spent on chess and performing arts throughout the year for additional electives

Performing Arts

Michael (2nd grade year)

Saxon 2

Cantering Through the Country
Tagging along on Hands-on biology activities 
Easy Peasy

Language Arts
Easy Peasy
Spelling Power
A Reason for Handwriting
Books, books, books!

Rosetta Stone or Duolingo
Cultural Fridays where we do a mix of eating, studying artists and architecture and French culture.
(Hopefully, sometimes with friends also studying French)

Recorder and piano lessons at home