
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Reading Lists 2016 (Rising 2nd, 9th and 10th grades)

I made a deal with my children that instead of participating in the library reading program this summer that I would pay them a specific amount to read a list of books.  Two-thirds I would choose, the other third they would choose.   Since we are done with summer early (early May) and start back early (usually first week in July), sometimes the library's program doesn't really fit in with our schedule.

Here are the lists for our rising 2nd, 9th and 10th graders:

Michael's Summer Reading List:

Note:  Some of these we read out loud.  Please forgive the fact that I included no author names.  If you are interested in a book and need to know the author, comment below and I will share that information.

Lucy's Adventure
Peter's Destiny
Paddle to the Sea
White Fang
Call of the Wild
Stuart Little
Charlotte's Web
Trumpet of the Swan
Toliver's Secret
Rabbit Hill
Henry Huggins
Cross Country with Lewis and Clark
Encyclopedia Brown Spies
Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective
Wizard of Oz
Boxcar Children- Dinosaur Mystery
Little House in the Big Woods
Burgess--Chattering Red Squirrel
Burgess--Jimmy Skunk
Burgess--Buster Bear
Wishbone Disappearing Dinosaurs

Daniel's Summer Reading List:

Across Five Aprils
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
My Side of the Mountain
Caddie Woodlawn
The Mysterious Mr. Miller
Sherlock Holmes book
Black Coffee by Agatha Christie
Evolution of Middle Earth-Tolkein
Christie's Old Organ
The Haunted Room
The Spanish Cavalier
The Chosen
Jane Eyre
The Story Girl
The Invisible Man
The Lilac Fairy Book
The War of the Worlds
The Basket of Flowers
Redwall book
A War in the Air--Wells
Black Star of Kingston
Cloak of Light
Twelve Stories and a Dream
C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy--Book 3
Rise of the Fallen
Light of the Last

Tera's Summer Reading List:

The Haunted Room
Mysterious Mr. Miller
The Spanish Cavalier
The Silent Barrier
The Basket of Flowers
Sierra Jensen v. 2
Sierra Jensen v. 3
Sierra Jensen v. 4
Across Five Aprils
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sign of the Four
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Sense and Sensibility
Pink Fairy Book
Sad Cypress
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
Scarlet Pimpernel
King of Diamonds
Christie, the King's Servant
Red Badge of Courage
Redwall book
Little Men
Tuck Everlasting
Great Brain v. 1
Great Brain v. 2
Shakespeare's Sonnets
Audiobook- Right Ho, Jeeves
Black Coffee

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2 more weeks and other random things

I pushed back our first day of school this year.  We just aren't ready to give up summer yet.  With math that felt like it was never going to be over, it really feels like we haven't had much of a summer yet.  No vacations or lots of excitement, just low key fun things spread out over the last month.    We still have two weeks and I'm definitely not going to kill myself to make up for whatever we didn't get to do this summer, but we will have several really fun things happening before school starts.  Even after school starts, we take "fun breaks" throughout July.  

Yesterday, we finished up our 4-week Bible studies.  It was so much fun that we were sad for it to end.  Definitely doing another one in the near future.  We had a water battle and make your own ice cream sundaes---what a great way to end!  Tera's group had a time of worship in addition to their regular Bible study time.

Today, we got rid of some things we had accumulated.  I always feel so "free" when we de-clutter.  It's been a long time coming.  This week also found me cleaning out our bathroom cabinet where all our toiletries, towels and medicines are stored.  It looks so much better, but was so bad that I am glad I didn't take before and after pictures.  Now, I'm under no obligation to post those.  

Last weekend, the kids played in a chess tournament.  It wasn't really a stellar day for any of them.  They pushed on through disappointment and frustration, which is an important skill to learn.  Michael was the only kid in his "class"--Class J.  Although he won no games, he walked away with the class prize of $30!  He was excited and has already decided how he is spending his money.  

Tera and Daniel bought kayaks.  Well, JP went ahead and bought them while they were on sale and they are working off what they owe with various summer jobs.  JP and the kids went out for the maiden voyage earlier this week, while I tried to go grocery shopping, but ended up being towed to the shop.  Long story short---the car had a spark plug fail and needed a major tune up.  I never realized how expensive those things were!  Anyway, they all had a wonderful time kayaking!  Hopefully, I'll be with them next time! 

I am hopefully on the upswing with my foot/ankle issues.  After  my ankle recovered and I started back exercising, my toe on the same foot got infected.  Several topical creams and oral antibiotics later, I still had to have the toenail removed last week.  Sigh!  It is feeling much better and I'm very thankful for my Chacos as it heals!  

We've got two more weeks and we plan on making the best of them! 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Facing fear....

Today's belt test was quite special for us.  Michael is a very non-aggressive personality.  While we commend that trait, we want him to be able to stand up for himself and for others.  He was nervous going  into today's belt test because one of his opponents had not followed the "light touch" rule in a recent class.  We had a pep  talk after that class about how sometimes playing sports hurts and getting better at something means you hang in there.  Facing your fears are important! 

He stood his ground today and used the techniques he's been learning in class.  He got right back into fighting stance when the top of his foot collided with an opponent (and all the parents gasped).  He didn't give chase when his opponent starting running away, but waited for them to come back in to the fighting circle.  He didn't give into fear!  He persisted!  He didn't become an aggressor, but stayed in control of himself in the midst of scary situations.  My heart was full of pride, because I know this boy of mine. Today, he faced a bigger opponent than a kid in a tiger uniform--he faced his fear and overcame!

I pray that as he faces trials in life that he will remember these lessons and not let fear keep him from trying! 

The board break is always a tense time for any karate parent!

Michael had to break his board with the back kick and to be honest, it took him several tries to get it.  I know that once he is in the older class, he won't be promoted if he can't break, but I am thankful for teachers that give the younger kids extra tries to break.  Finally, he broke it and the room heaved a sigh of relief.  He  exclaimed, "Finally!"

Just another life lesson in the form of a blue belt....

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bible studies

This summer has been so different for me, yet quite the same for the kids.   I've been doing a lot of school planning for next year.  While I appreciate the spirit of articles that talk about "what you shouldn't do during the summer" like planning, that doesn't fly with my personality.  I'm also in leadership positions in two different volunteer organizations.  I wish I could say, "I'm not a leader", but I have to acknowledge that God has given me this ability.  I just have to be able to find balance between wanting to take care of every situation as soon as possible vs. giving myself time to take care of my other responsibilities.  The stress over the last two weeks has taken a toll on me.  Today, I'm taking a step back for me. 

Yesterday, our house was filled with Bible studies.  Tera and Daniel started/hosted/led a Bible study for a small group of their teen friends.   

As we were discussing this, Michael wanted a Bible study of his own.  While the teens were in the living room, I started a four week Bible study on the Armor of God.  (I'm sure I will construct a big post at the end with all my ideas.)  

Fun games, sword drills, Armor of God snacks were all apart of our study.  The last week I've promised a water balloon fight and make your own sundaes.  Michael is so excited! 

A couple of moms stayed and had their own quiet time in the dining room.  It was so wonderful to have our downstairs filled with people of all ages studying God's Word!