
Monday, May 2, 2016

Last Day of School Traditions

Last Day of School Traditions

It's getting warmer and the kids are getting antsy.    There is a  big red circle around one of the most special days of the year and it's approaching fast.  THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!   Finishing a school year is a big accomplishment and deserves some recognition and celebration. 

Have a dance party! 

There is nothing that says celebration like an impromptu dance party.  When your school day is done or your kids get home from school, put on your favorite tunes and dance away!

Last day of school pictures

Taking pictures on the first day of school is a very popular tradition, but why not start a tradition of "last day of school" pictures?  Try to pose your kids identical to their "first day of school" pictures.  What fun to compare the two pictures! 

Sweet Treats

Our favorite last day of school tradition usually involves something frozen.  My kids used to love going to Froyoz to make their own frozen yogurt sundaes. In the past few years, we've made our own sundaes with all the toppings at home.  Either way, something sweet and cold is a great way to end a school year!

Plan a mini-vacation or staycation to kick off the summer

Some years we've taken a weekend trip right after school was over.  Maybe your family likes to camp or you could take a short trip to visit family.  Nothing says "It's summer!" like something out of the ordinary.  If a trip is not in your budget, plan some special at home.  One year on our last day of school, we had a 50's theme night!   It was a blast! 

I'd love to hear about some of your favorite last day of school traditions.  Leave a comment to share!