
Monday, April 4, 2016

Random school stuff

I have been doing  Easy Peasy with Michael and we have re-discovered lapbooking.  I really wanted to do more of this with Tera and Daniel, but I think by the time I discovered it they were not interested.  We did a few, but then moved on.  Michael's enthusiasm was incredible.  He did this one in less than a week.  We found the whole file for free through Easy Peasy.  I'm not one to make up my own, so I love the convenience of this type of lapbook. 

Tera and Daniel have been writing poetry as part of our writing curriculum.  Sometimes, I am so amazed at the writing my children produce.  I am convinced that next year, we need to work on editing.  Commas, punctuation, that kind of thing.  The substance is there, it definitely just needs proofreading.  My son, also loves LOTR, if you couldn't tell. 

Tera's sonnet-like poem:

Daniel's examples:

miserable depressed
sneaking, lurking, stinking
fate entangled with the ring

Hobbit hole-dwellers
Their courage surprising most
seekers of all peace

miserable depressed
sneaking, lurking, stinking
death, doom; light, hope
comfort-seeking, hoping, daring
Hobbit hole-dweller

We only have a few weeks of school left and usually by now, we are brain dead.  This year, on the other hand, we are hanging in there.  The older ones and I have started reading out loud Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing.  Everyone reading a part with me doing commentary (using Sparknotes for help) is our approach.  Let me tell you, Act 1 Scene 1 was quite long, but more enjoyable than I thought. 

Fencing is the only sport Tera and Daniel have really gotten into.  JP takes them every week and they love it about as much as chess, as you can see...

Thursday, we had a celebration party at our house for the chess team.  Foods that teens like and of course, cake.   The kids played games while the adults enjoyed conversation and Andy Griffith trivia.  It was a very nice evening. 

Michael met a new friend at the last library chess tournament.  The mom did origami with Michael in between his chess rounds (which were very short).  We found that our families were very similar at first glance in regards to personality, parenting choices, etc.  The mother invited us over for a play date.  It was a time of peacefulness in our lately hectic routine.  Since they are a bi-cultural home, we chatted over differences while we made window stars.  I'm looking forward to  getting to know this family a whole lot better.   

In the midst of the busy-ness of the season, I've been thinking a lot.  I posted this last night on facebook and I truly mean it:

"I was thinking this morning:
I've never traveled abroad, never won prestigious awards, or had any kind of fame and fortune, but I've had faith and a God that has seen me through "deep waters", the love of one man, three beautiful children, family and friends...a quiet, steady life. I'll never regret not having the other."