
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nothing is Wasted

"Nothing is wasted...nothing is the hands of our Redeemer...nothing is wasted."

I been hearing those words singing their way around my brain.   It's a new song on the radio, but not really a new idea.  It's almost like a chant I need to say to myself again and again.  A great big, comforting, hopeful thought.  

I had someone ask me once, "If you could go back and live your life different, would you change anything?"  I thought a while on that thought.  As much as I would love to say:  "YES!!"  I hesitate.   Everything we've been through shapes who we are...some good, some bad.  To change things would change who we are.

Now granted, I would love to get rid of some major hang-ups I have, but the same things that I struggle with are the same things that remind me of my reliance on God.  They remind me that "I am weak, but He is strong."

Every struggle we have, every heartache, grief and trial will not be wasted. I'm finding that when things come up, I start thinking,  hopefully anticipating how God can redeem this thing in my life.   Dread and anxiety are replaced with reminders of thankfulness for things to come.

God has the way of taking our brokenness and grief and using it for His eternal good.  If you are struggling in your family, your home school or just life in general...don't lose hope...nothing is wasted! 

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that outweighs them all!"  2 Corinthians 4:17