
Saturday, March 5, 2016

What a week...

 Sweet brothers...

We hit the ground running this Monday after our 3 day chess tournament over the weekend.  I spent the day doing last minute preparations for the History Share event I facilitate for our local homeschool co-op on a yearly basis.  It is so worth it to see how excited the kids are about their projects and the event.  

History Share pictures....

Tuesday was packed with flute lesson, a CCI meeting, karate and two different music rehearsals that evening.  Wednesday, we had a consult at a specialist dentist for one of our children and it was such a positive experience.  I walked out breathing a huge sigh of relief.  Yesterday, we went to chess club and karate.  Since Tera and Daniel are in another chess tournament this Saturday, she will miss a choir festival.  We chose not to attend choir rehearsal, because they would be working on material for that festival.  It was nice to get home early for a change.  

Michael has a demonstration for 4H next Tuesday, so he and I have been working all week learning about life cycles of butterflies, making posters, practicing.  Lunchtime has crept up on me every day.  I got my haircut this morning and we are trying to clean the house up a bit before fencing.  Tera made lunches for tomorrow's tournament and is in the kitchen making baked oatmeal for breakfast.  She is such a lifesaver.   It's been one of those weeks where I feel like my husband and I are ships passing in the night.  But our anniversary is next week and we have nothing "child-related" planned for the weekend.   I'm so looking forward to it!