
Monday, March 14, 2016

4-H Club Achievement Day

 Random picture alert:  

Last Tuesday was our local 4-H club achievement day.  We had demonstrations, interactive displays and a baking contest.  There were some older 4-Hers that did mock demonstrations to show how it was done.  Each family had the opportunity to make a decorative holiday centerpiece.  

Tera baked three different items: cinnamon swirl bread, oatmeal raisin cookies and cornbread.  There were ribbons for entries as voted upon by judges.  Although there were not many entries, a blue ribbon is a blue ribbon.  

Michael did a demonstration on The Life Cycle of a Butterfly.  

Daniel recycled his Nikola Tesla history project from last year as an interactive exhibit in the electric project category.  He is very knowledgeable about the subject.  I thought the question and answer time was never going to be over, but kids like to hear about death rays and such.  

Michael wasn't feeling that well at the end of the day, so we scooted out pretty quickly.  Fortunately, nothing came of his tummy ache.  I was relieved since the stomach bug has been going around our area a lot lately.  

That morning I had a MRI done on my ankle to just make sure there is not something serious going on.  After our weekend trip to the chess tournament, I had some swelling and soreness while trying to wean out of the boot.  I am now back in the boot until later in the week when the doctor sees my MRI results. 

We had to fit in the MRI appointment before Daniel's flute lesson.  So, he was saying he was hungry before I dropped him off.  I didn't have time to stop for a snack and said I would pick him up something.  His teacher walked him out to the car after his lesson saying he got really pale and had to sit down.  He later explained he felt weak and a bit dizzy.  I went ahead and made his checkup appointment.  We have been watching his diet, making sure he eats more at breakfast and taking snacks with us. More than one person we know said it sounded like a low blood sugar attack.  Hopefully, he won't have any more episodes.