A lot has happened since my last post...
Both Daniel and Tera participated in the regional chess tournament competing for chance to go to the state tournament. Daniel came in 4th place and was guaranteed a spot. The top 8 players in each section advanced. Tera came in 9th place. We were disappointed at first until the regional director had her go stand with the 1st-8th place winners. Then, we were confused. Later, he told us that Tera would get to go to state because someone couldn't attend. WooHoo!

The very next week found us competing at the state competition. Tera and Daniel both won 2 of their 5 games. The competition was hard! I was so proud of how they conducted themselves with grace and good sportsmanship. I felt like they walked away champions. Tera says that losing always makes her resolve to study harder. What a great attitude!

I brought school things for Michael to work on and we got in a school day while they did chess. It was a long day! Daniel was feeling really rotten that day and we
thought he had allergies, but instead ended up having a viral infection.
All the kids have been sick since that Saturday. Unending coughing. Tired bodies. We have been home most of the week. Tera had a day or so where she felt better and went to choir practice, then was back to feeling rotten. Daniel has coughed so much his side hurts. JP and I so far have milder symptoms and we are hoping/praying it stays that way. I have warmed countless cups of hot tea, chicken noodle soup and pushed vitamin C and fluids. This stuff doesn't want to give up. We are praying for well bodies and warmer temperatures over the next couple of days.