
Thursday, November 5, 2015

30 Days of Thanks: Day 5

Today's challenge in our thankful group: 

God puts people in our lives for a reason. Think about someone from your past (a teacher, pastor, family member or friend) that helped shape who you are as a person. Give thanks to God for that person and if they are still living say a prayer for them today. Maybe even call or write a message to them thanking them for the impact they have made on your life. 

Several pastors have made their mark on my life and I am thankful for their influence and love:
I had the same pastor for the first 18 years of my life.  I enrolled as a baby in the Cradle Roll and 18 years later I was still there.  Bro. Jerry and Mrs. Dean discipled me over those 18 years.  They gave me opportunities I wouldn't have had otherwise.  Summer camps, dresses and music to compete in the district talent competitions, encouraging me to use my musical talent in service.  They have prayed with me at all hours of the day and night. 

My former pastor, Bro. D and his wife, Linda. I first met them as a teenager. Their daughter and I were roommates in college and later I served as his music minister. They became my second parents. They were there at 12:45 AM when I gave birth to my first child. Held my hand as I've grieved and toiled over questions and doubts, filled my car with gas, helped me find a job, prayed for me and so much more!  

Bro. Powers and his wife Ann showed me the example of how a quiet spirit speaks volumes.  He would tell the stories of his time in Alaska that eventually knew by heart, but loved the telling all the same.  They were so loving to everyone they met.  I never remember them saying an unkind word about anyone.  True servant leaders.

Today, I give thanks for all those that God has chosen to put in my path that have taken discipling others seriously!  The encouragement, comfort, prayers and love I have received can never be fully expressed.