
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

30 Days of Thanks: Day 4

Today, I have been so encouraged!  It started when a friend shared her thoughts and thankfulness about a passage of Scripture that spoke to her.  Then, other friends in a thankful group started sharing their praises and thanksgivings.  It has been such an uplifting experience. 

We have shared thoughts on how God does not want us to be afraid, or to worry or feel anxious.  How God has plans for our life, to give us a hope and a future.  How God uses His word to correct us and comfort us. 

I'm thankful for friends that desire to draw closer to God and let Him lead their thoughts and actions.

I'm thankful for a God that loves us so much that He sent his Son to die for our sins.  

You as God on High, came to earth as a man to serve and give Your life for us. You withstood such torment when You were spit upon, hit in the face and wore the crown of thorns. You endured mocking and the One who knew God so intimately felt alone and forsaken. Thank you Lord, for loving me that much!