
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

30 Days of Thanks 2015: Days 23 and 24

Thanksgiving Day preparation have begun. Company is coming this weekend. Dress rehearsal for Tera's choir last night and concert tonight. Telemarketers calling me ALL day. Piles of laundry to put away. The frames I bought didn't work for gifts I needed this weekend. Losing my patience with my children. Back pain. 

There are those days when you struggle to get past the craziness and see the blessedness.  But counting  your blessings does not depend upon how you FEEL about your circumstances.  You can still give thanks to God for His many blessings in your life, even though life isn't going the way you'd prefer.  

So, here goes:  

I thank the Lord for piles of means we have clothes to wear, a washer and dryer that works and uniform shirts mean my husband has a good job.

I thank the Lord for a working phone that lets me call for help when needed and stay in touch with the ones I love.  It lets me do business over the phone saving gas before driving somewhere.

I thank the Lord that even though the frames didn't work, I can still use those for a different project.

I thank the Lord for His forgiveness when I mess up things and even if I lose my patience with my kids.

I thank the Lord that even though I have back pain today, I have medicine available and stretches that always help.

I thank the Lord that my daughter loves music and being part of a choir.  

I thank the Lord that my Thanksgiving Day meal shopping is done and the crowds have been light.

I thank the Lord for loving families and a nice guest room for them to stay.  

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,  
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17