
Friday, November 27, 2015

30 Days of Thanks 2015: Day 27

It's the day after Thanksgiving and I'm still giving thanks!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year.  Decorating for Christmas!  All the memories and ornaments remind me of how God has been with us throughout the years of our lives.  I hang the ornaments that are over 70 years old and think of my grandparents.  I look at the ornaments that our moms sent us our first Christmas on our own.  I see the ornaments with 2 figures, then 3 figures when Tera was born.  Two years later, we moved up to 4 figures.  2009 marked the last addition to our family and our 5 figure ornaments began.  

We hang up Michael's "Answered Prayers" angel ornament and remember how God spared his life.  We hang up the ornaments made for us by others that were a part of our lives at that moment in time.  So many people, so many memories.  I give thanks for God's goodness and faithfulness!