
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

30 Days of Thanks 2015: Day 18

I give thanks that I have a bed to rest my weary body. 
I give thanks for days spent at home. 
For a dry home in the midst of rain. 
For food on the table. 

I give thanks for clarity of mind.
I give thanks for the moments when learning just clicks.
For good books.
For good music.

I give thanks for a car that runs.
I give thanks for encouraging words.
For keeping up with friends on Facebook.
For organ donors that give life to others.

I give thanks for peanuts and candy corn.
I give thanks for all the hard situations that make us more like HIM!
For clean water.
For a partner to share the load of life.

Be thankful in all circumstances, 
for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18