
Monday, October 26, 2015

Glimpses from last week...

Eye doctor appointments all on the same day. We were entertainment for the doctor that's for sure.  I guess if you have to go to the doctor, you might as well have fun! 


Sparring with equipment for the first time

Waiting for Tera and playing freeze tag

Sunday, October 18, 2015

5K to 5K and a bunch in the middle

 Photo Credit:  Tina

From 5K to 5K--- 

Last Saturday, we ran/walked in the rain with some friends for our 2nd 5K.  We hadn't planned on doing any more, but JP needed a healthy event logged for work.  So, we signed up to do the Glow Trot--an after dark 5K.  Michael and I had planned to only do a 1 mile fun run, but ended up walking the 5K with JP.  I logged over 14000 steps yesterday and then couldn't sleep last night.  You would think I would have had no trouble.  

Tera placed 2nd in the female age division 13-18.  This is her second medal in the past month. 

This is a horrible picture, but Daniel gave the thought of the day at the 4H meeting.  I was so proud of how well he picked a quote and wrote out a very thoughtful response to deliver.  He received so many compliments on his presentation, as well as the content.  Of course, it revolved around The Lord of the Rings. 

We will be working on speeches for the local 4H speech contest that I'm requiring my kids to enter.  Public speaking is a skill that you use for an entire lifetime.  I remember placing in our school's speech contest in 6th grade with a speech entitled The Famine in Africa.  I went on to deliver my speech at the county contest.  I didn't place, but I still remember it after all these years.  
On Wednesday, I went out for a rare girls' night out with one of my good friends to celebrate her birthday.  We had a nice relaxing dinner out and then went bowling.  She beat me bad!  It was a much needed evening!  I'm blessed to have such wonderful friends!


A beautiful basket of apples from our neighbors...

Fall seems to be a busy time, but we are just trying to take one day at a time.  Trying to clean up, declutter and get on top of outside obligations while keeping up with school work.  It's a struggle sometimes, but it's our life.  A life with these four awesome people and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up: The one with allergies, alligators and chemistry

Weekly Wrap-Up


Swim lessons for Michael

Michael made this cute alligator from clay using a design he found in a book...

This year, Daniel's science is a hodge podge.  He completed a unit on the brain and has moved onto carbon chemistry.  He attempted to make diagrams of the carbon allotropes:  diamond, graphite and buckyballs.  The graphite one was the most successful.  Just pretend all the pieces are black, we couldn't find jujubes.  

To keep things real, it hasn't been the best of weeks around here.  All three of the kids have had allergies this week or a mild cold at most.  Crankiness has been present more than one day.  School work has been procrastinated until the last minute.  Boundaries have had to be reset.   We stayed at home on Thursday and Friday just to help everyone recover.  

One of my biggest struggles right now is the busy-ness.  There is just so much going on this time of year.  The past two days (although, not totally stress-free) have been a nice respite from the on-the-go normal.  

Another struggle I'm dealing with is teaching three different levels of math:  1st grade, Pre-algebra and Algebra 2.  Michael is moving quickly through the 1st grade Saxon curriculum and will be able to start on the 2nd grade stuff this year.  Daniel wants to finish Pre-Algebra by the end of October, so he can get Algebra 1 done in 8th grade.  Tera has just started going over trigonometry in her book and trying to find her rhythm.  It just feels like a lot of math juggling!  

The bigger issue is that this is the time of year for my seasonal blues.  I feel like I've done better emotionally this year than in the years past.  I'm giving myself grace for all the things I'm not getting accomplished that I feel like I should be doing.  A friend and I are doing a book study on prayer.  It's really helping me stay in the Word and staying focused on Him.   One of my favorite hymns has always been: "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace."

It is so true!  The more I turn to Him in prayer and reading His word, the less the things (drama, conflict, worries) seem to get to me.  This week my verse has seemed to be:   

"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail. 
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3:22-23 

The days haven't went necessarily great, but His faithfulness and compassion never fail! 

Birthday pictures

My attempt at stuffed crust pizza...5 thumbs up!

Fried Ice Cream dessert was the birthday girl's choice.