
Friday, September 25, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up

Weekly Wrap-Up

The kids participated in a chess tournament last weekend.  Non-rated, relaxed atmosphere, close to home, friendly was wonderful!

Michael came in 3rd for his section.  There were only 4 kids in his section, but he did better in this tournament than he has ever done.  He only lost one game, the rest were draws.  Usually, he loses every game.  It never seems to bother him, but I think he's starting to understand that draws or wins are better than losing.  

Tera and Daniel were in the same section.  Tera placed 3rd and Daniel came in 1st!  They also made some new friends while they were there.  

School is plugging along.  We are on our 2nd 9-week session.  I end up tweaking as we go throughout the year.  We've added a few things, and relaxed about other things.  All of our activities have started back.  We did end up dropping one thing that only met once a month, but it felt huge to me to let it go.  

Measuring with his new tool set... 

Rejoicing because his big sister made delicious crepes for Second Breakfast, in honor of Hobbit Day...

First day back at swim....

Reading the comics while Tera was in a 4-H committee meeting at a local coffee house.

I'm learning teenagers don't like their picture taken as much as a 6 year old, or maybe it's just easier to sneak pictures of him. 

My annual blues kicked in earlier this week.  For a couple of days, I've felt so out of sorts.  Still functioning as always, but just tired, sad, and blah....I'm happy to say after some friend/prayer/swim therapy that I'm feeling better today than I've felt all week.  I feel like I can breath deep again...

On Sunday, Daniel has his first flute concert with the flute ensemble he joined, if we survive tomorrow.  Tera, Daniel and I will participate in our first ever 5K in the morning, a flute dress rehearsal in early afternoon and then annual family day at Denso.  Whew!  

Next week is a short week for us.  We'll be celebrating Tera's birthday and taking our first (long overdue) field trip of the school year.  I'm looking forward to it!