What a crazy couple of weeks! Thankfully, things are starting to settle down for us. I had some stress-related illness that seems to have worked itself out. Whether I realize it or not, death and funerals bring up a lot of emotion for me.
We've got 4 weeks completed in school now! There are always some tweaking of schedule and courses, but if I waited until everything was perfect...we'd never have school! Tera has adjusted to high school with ease. Daniel is working hard to get ahead in math, tolerating history and exuberant over science. Michael has done well with having a daily assignment sheet. We are still working on getting in science and history into the routine, but at this age I don't stress out that much about it.
Daniel had his first flute recital last week. We were so proud of his performance!
Our summer garden is winding down. We are tired of cucumbers, but ready to pull things up for a clean slate. I'm hoping to get some lettuces and other cool weather vegetables in soon.
Tera has been an awesome help to me lately! If we have someone coming over, she'll go the extra mile to help with clean up. Last night, she even cleaned up after our sick dog without waking anyone up. To say this girl is awesome is truly an understatement!

Our weekend was relaxing, but I still feel sleep-deprived. Hopefully, we'll catch up soon!