It was a busy weekend for us! Tera and I were invited to attend a ladies' night out at a friend's church. It was a blast from the past. I will go on record saying that I totally rocked the 80s television show quiz. Tera is always a willing participant in any kind of game/group activity. So, it's fun when we get to go out together!
Saturday morning found us at a library chess tournament. Tera came in first and Daniel was second in a 4 person tournament.
Sunday was open house at DENSO. JP has worked there since 2007 and we've never actually seen his working conditions. It was wonderful to get a tour and see where Daddy works...and ice cream. Oh yeah, ice cream is awesome!
After our tour, we headed out to Townsend to meet with our friends. It's becoming an annual tradition to meet for 3 of the kids' birthdays. These kids have grown up so much!
