
Friday, May 1, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up: Almost done

Weekly Wrap-Up

Monday seems like forever ago!  

Michael's been reading a lot lately and Tera made my all-time favorite...Dilly Rolls using our own fresh dill.  

Our last choir concert for the school year.  

Our homeschool group had a carnival and activity fair to raise money for a group of our kids participating in Destination Imagination.  We went out to answer questions about the History "Share" event that I coordinate.  The kids ended up having a blast playing games and hanging out.  

 After being outside for 3 hours at the carnival, Daniel's allergies went crazy.  So, we skipped chess club and just hung out at home.  

Today, I forced myself to go to my swim lesson.  I had a weird, funny type dream that made me feel sad and emotional when I woke up.  (That doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's true.)  I'm so thankful for my swim instructor that encouraged me to come, because (as I knew) it would make me feel better.  

We shopped for some shorts/capris for Tera and found some jeans for Michael in the fall, while we were waiting on Tera's hair appointment. 

She went bold and daring with some color in part of her hair.  She loves it and I'm happy.

Chess tournament tomorrow and the last week of school coming up!